About PNHA
With urbanisation, there are continuing pressures that threaten the beautiful natural environment of Pittwater. Some impacts are immediate and apparent, others are more gradual and less obvious.
The Pittwater Natural Heritage Association has been formed to act to protect and preserve the Pittwater areas major and most valuable asset – its natural heritage.
PNHA is an incorporated association seeking broad based community membership and support to enable it to have an effective and authoritative voice speaking out for the preservation of Pittwater’s natural heritage. It is a member of the Pittwater Community Alliance. Please contact us for further information.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to benefit Pittwater’s natural environment go to the Pittwater Environmental Foundation.
Our Aims
- To raise public awareness of the conservation value of the natural heritage of the Pittwater area: its landforms, watercourses, soils and local native vegetation and fauna.
- To raise public awareness of the threats to the long-term sustainability of Pittwater’s natural heritage.
- To foster individual and community responsibility for caring for this natural heritage.
- To encourage Pittwater Council and the NSW Government to adopt and implement policies and works which will conserve, sustain and enhance the natural heritage of Pittwater.
Our Charter
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association seeks to raise awareness and provide information and advice to our members on issues such as:
Native Tree Canopy
Identification of trees local to your particular area. What to plant to replace dead or dying trees, and how to care for trees. The characteristic form of the native tree canopy is a major contributor to Pittwater’s sense of place.
“Bush Friendly” Gardens
Selecting plants for your garden that will live in harmony with nearby bushland and provide habitat for native animals and birds.
Building and Landscaping
Promoting practices which preserve and protect the visual qualities of the landform, preserve soil stability and prevent erosion of steep slopes and siltation of waterways.
Weed Infestation
Information on noxious and environmental weeds, weed identification and methods of control and eradication.
Living with Wildlife
Maintaining habitat and wildlife corridors for our rich and diverse native fauna. Understanding the impacts of introduced birds and animals and uncontrolled domestic pets.
Keeping our Waterways Healthy
Using and enjoying our waterways and estuaries whilst maintaining appropriate water quality and habitat for aquatic creatures. Caring for the streams, wetlands, saltmarsh and mangrove systems that are an integral part of our waterways.
Rock Platforms, Beaches and Dunes
Protecting and preserving the plant and animal communities on rock platforms. Restoration and regeneration of dune systems and maintenance of their stability.
Act to Preserve and Protect!
If you would like to join us, please fill out the Membership Application Form. Alternatively if you would like to contact us for information on any of our projects, our details are:
Email: pnhainfo@gmail.com
Postal Address
PO Box 187
Avalon Beach NSW 2107
Marita Macrae 9918 3368